Mysqldump For Mac

  • Native Package Installer, which uses the native macOS installer (DMG) to walk you through the installation of MySQL. For more information, see Chapter 2, Installing MySQL on macOS Using Native Packages.
  • Defrag ssd mac os x; Re: mysqldump within shell script, command not found. Pinceles de humo para photoshop cs6 mac; You can accomplish this by going to your. Mekanic Mekanic 41 2. MYSQLDUMP COMMAND NOT FOUND IN MACOSX USING MAMP. You can also use an alias to do things like setting username and database. Pedro Navarro Pedro Navarro 1.
  • We can use -h option of the mysqldump command to backup database from a remote MySQL Server. Mysqldump -p -u username -h exampledb exampledb.sql. The mysqldump command will backup exampledb from the MySQL Server Located at

In this tutorial we will show you how to use backup and restore a MySQL database or tables.

Use the mysqldump utility to create a backup of you database. Open up a Windows command prompt. Click Start - Run; Enter “cmd” into the dialog box and click the “OK” button. Change the directory to the following to access the mysqldump utility. Cd C: Program Files MySQL MySQL Server 5.5 bin. In this tutorial i am going to show how to take mysql dump file or mysql database backup using terminal in mac.

1. MySQL – Backup examples

1.1 Quick reference – mysqldump

1.2 Backup a database ‘wrdp1’ to a SQL file ‘db.20160726.sql’

1.3 Backup and gzip together.

1.4 Back a table ‘wp_postmeta’ to a SQL file ‘wp_postmeta.sql’

2. MySQL – Restore examples

2.1 Quick reference – mysql

If you are restoring back a SQL file, please use command mysql NOT mysqldump
Mysqldump for mac download

2.2 Restore back a SQL file ‘db.20160726.sql’ to a database ‘wrdp1’.

2.3 Restore back a gzip SQL file ‘db.20160726.sql.gz’ to a database ‘wrdp1’.

3. Case Study

Mysqldump For Mac Installer

Here is my MySQL backup and restore steps, just for self reference.

  1. SSH into a server ‘myserver1’
  2. Backup and gzip a database ‘db1’
  3. Download the backup file from ‘myserver1’ via SCP command
  4. Restore the backup file to a local database ‘local_db1’


Please use this ultimate command for more example – mysqldump --help


Mysqldump Format

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Mysqldump For Mac Download


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